Wednesday, August 5, 2015

PRTs present understanding of Teacher Inquiry .

PL Notes
Bex and Edie - "Inquiry, it’s a good thing, it really is!"
Last year as students, Edie and Bex learnt a lot about inquiry. Now they are both in the classroom, how this impacts and pearls of wisdom from what they have learnt and discovered.

Insanity, doing the same thing over and over again…

Inquiry is an improvement for us…

Focus: What does the evidence tell us- talking to others, what things are happening in other schools. It has to be based on evidence of something someone else has done.

Google scholar- type in what you need and you should be able to see articles used around your key words. Be critical when you are using things online- use articles that are within the last ten years, look for how many times it has been sighted. Who was the publisher? google the publisher to check. If it’s from a journal it is probably okay.
Check who and multiple citings

Pre and post testing-
Be specific to your focus.
Decide on your time limit/ number of lessons.
Deliver your lessons and take notes.

What did you notice?
How did it compare to your research? Did you find it? yes/no?
What were your limitations?

Was there an improvement in achievement?
WHat does this mean for your teaching?
Do you need to change something from this information?

Regardless of the outcome, improvements or not.  Any inquiry will inform you as a teacher.  It is invaluable.  We do it unconsciously on a daily basis, however our inquiry process formalises it.  It’s not supposed to be reinventing the wheel, use the resources that are out there.
Big thank you to Edie and Bex for their great presentation.  It reinforced what we are doing and filled in a few gaps.  

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