Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Wellbeing/Hauora ASB Springboard

 Ian Narev - facilitator

Billie-Jean Potaka Ayton - Having a strong vision, values need to reflect hauora. Building resilience means we need to consider and support our whole community! How do we maintain relationships? We need to value them, make eye contact, be interested in them. 

Nina Hood - social emotional well being in our ability to learn. If we're not in a state of well being we cant be functioning at our best. Going back to some of the basics - creating a sense of social connection, strong relationships helps that sense of belonging. All of our young people have access to learning - through devices, is just the first step. Provide the resources. We need to develop measures to ensure we are providing good practice, monitor how we're going. Lots of ideas are shared but not the evidence of how well they've worked. Whats the evidence to show it's made a difference. 

ASB - Sarah-Jane Whitehead - (previously Air NZ) Hauora & wellbeing is an important part of the culture of an organisation. More likely to form great relationships. The relationships we have with others is important but the relationship we have with ourselves is the most important and what we bring with us to our working environment. Making 'real' connections - how are you? Really?