Monday, August 1, 2016

Marcus Akuhata -Brown

Connect Conference l

Inspirational and real .

Marcus Akuhata-Brown went back home to the small rural town where he grew up, to look after his father, who was recovering from a major illness.  In doing so he found himself back in the place where he spent his childhood. He began a journey to challenge himself to find out where he had come from - who were his ancestors? 

 His small rural home was a challenging place as it had no electricity, running water or any other modern comforts.  He discovered that one of his ancestors was orphaned through war and needed to re-establish her connection with family living elsewhere. This made him think about ...Loss of Connection
Loss of Connectedness for the young people in our schools  Loss experienced in their lives. 
How does this express itself? 
What emotions are they living with? grief, loneliness, anger ? 
They may have lost a connection with family – mothers, fathers, or significant others in their lives.

Where can they go to re-establish a connection?  As teachers we may be the link back to connection for these children! 

Children with no vision – no intentionality or purpose in their lives. This lack of vision can stem from the lack of Mana in their lives! 

Marcus discovered that Waiata can help you process emotion – it  can link you to the past – eg By the rivers of Babylon- this is a song from a people group that had been taken as slaves to a foreign land.  They sang ‘How can we sing our song in a strange land’  They had lost their connection.  How  can a person re-acquire mana? What are we doing helping this process?
Sometimes looking back – gives meaning to looking forward.

Fleas under a glass lid of lowered expectations don’t jump very high anymore.    
What are your expectations! 
In Marcus’s last years at high school, a Moko artist  who had graduated went back to his high school roots to talk to the boys .  He inspired them. He taught from the heart.  Marcus was inspired  to stay at school and the following year he was chosen to be a Year 13 prefect . 

We need to focus on the good – not the bad. 

 Invest in the potential that you seen in others!!  Keep on encouraging others!  Lift the lid for others.

You can never underestimate what will happen in someone else's life when you choose to be the difference.

What makes a difference?  Programs? – no, it’s people!! ..making good choices – you are the difference that you want to see in the world.

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