Questioning processes.
Arriving in Nepali village rocks on iron 700 villagers warning re escaped prisoners
Misconception is that help is on its way . We are on our own .
Japanese learners left their high building and led the school up the hill and watched their school wash away .
Biggest barrier and biggest opportunity is attitude.
People are just people .
Never waste a good crisis.
PD is what people do voluntarily and we use it as punishment.
Only have 3 burners going at once
Hamilton East Schools volunteer army.
Working bees in the weekend ?
Instead of ANZAC service volunteer time in service.
Eg judi dench in marigold hotel when she thought she was unskilled
All retch and no vomit you never get there. You tube Allan Watts
Who are you ? What do you stand for ?
Take courage to make decisions .
dance o mat washing machine
Make things happen .
Does student inquiry mobilise student thought?
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