Learner Agency: Move from being passive to more active control of the learning process
Needs personal sense of agency- belief that it will make a difference
Not about handing control over- about creating context- active involvement
Initiative or self regulation/ interdependent in classroom/ awareness of responsibility of actions on environment and others- acting with agency/ agentic in their learning/ IEP’s for ownership?? Student voice in day to day decisions
1.Today’s Reality
What exists today that will continue to be a focus in the short term?
Keep developing strong programmes for all students.
Inquiry model
Tool kit
Working on literacy
Working on Teacher Inquiry
Variety of agency throughout the school - in different teams and classrooms
Student voice reflects the toolkit
Learning to understand their own behaviour
Inquiry model- team focus
Student council
4. Transformative Innovation
What do we need to start doing in order to pave the way to the vision?
Research the area- learner agency/ student voice
Move from the hunch to the learning
develop the ability to let go
Possible next steps
- student voice in current reading intervention
- student involvement in conferences - what does this look like for other schools
Parent involvement
Capacity building
2. Future Vision
What do we aspire to? What is our preferred future?
Student voice incorporated in all parts of school: Toolkit, curriculum, structures of HES
Use of learner agency to impact development of specific curriculum areas
Student: Chn talking about their targets, how they have achieved their targets- and be able to show /prove how they’ve achieved this.
Learner agency will be part of all classroom practice- throughout the school.
Clear understanding by teachers of what Learner agency looks like at HES and how to talk about it
Clear guidelines for everyone( teachers, students, parents) that identify curriculum steps
Teacher conversations that encourage student discourse. Use the language: I don’t know. Who knows? Who wants to know?
Classrooms more learner-centric than teacher-centric
Checks to ensure no falling through gaps
Learner Agency continuum
End point
Beginning continuum:
Choice of activity in junior classrooms.
Developing agency of behaviour- and conversations around this
Putting in language to express self and own needs- having conversations e.gs What are you learning now? What is your next step? What are you learning when you play?
Talking explicitly about behaviour and learning- putting in the language.
Is that a growth mindset? Is that a fixed mindset?
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Extend/ Defend/ Challenge Assumptions/Core
Grow the emerging ideas. Complexity, transitions, conflicts
Create viable options
3. Pockets of the future embedded in the present. Hope and encouragement from the present system
HES Toolkit and Inquiry Learning Model
Play is children’s sacred work. (Te whariki)
Next steps and goals
Share assessment results with students .
6. Decommissioning
What exists in the current system that has no place on your future vision?
5. Keepers
What key aspects of the current system are so important we want to keep?
Next steps
Self assessment of key competencies
Use of the Toolkit
Language for Success
Digital Tools
Stand Tall! Reach high!
Student participation in assembly/ student council
SAMR model with more learner agency
How Might We…
1. …enable our senior students to have more choice in their subjects?
2. …create partnerships that enable online visits, sharing of knowledge & collaborative projects?
3. …engage with parents in ways that excite them about new opportunities in learning?
4. …develop teachers who are creative and willing to prototype new ideas, across the whole school?
Trello- https://trello.com/
So this is where the Leadership Team got to with the help of and leadership and challenge from Cheryl Doig Cheryl Doig
After some challenging weeks of day to day challenges (students!!! ), I was reflecting on how we could ever find the time and intellectual energy to pursue this.
Over 2 days we had 2 events organised and inspired by students .
1. A Paper Plane competition from an idea contributed by a 9 year old J (boy) and organised by 7 year old K (girl). Reflective discussion with them included. J- "well it was good idea but it got a bit boring organising it. " "would you say you were more of an ideas person J?" "J- "Well Yes "
K -"There were lots of things to think about and organise.. and J was quite ummm what's that word ? irritating/infuriating because he wasn't helpful !" Sharing the poster written independently
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