Put yourself first & keep calm .
Putting yourself first - why we need to?
The science behind self-care - teachers are the worst at this.
We are dealing with a higher level of behaviour and needs than in past years. Working with these anxious and hyper-vigilant kids ignites out stress response.
The first thing we need to do is be calm before we can help our students/own children.
Red/Green Brain & the sandpapered brain concept.
Wearing down the brain so that the next 'sandpaper' affects you more.
The science behind self-care - teachers are the worst at this.
We are dealing with a higher level of behaviour and needs than in past years. Working with these anxious and hyper-vigilant kids ignites out stress response.
The first thing we need to do is be calm before we can help our students/own children.
Red/Green Brain & the sandpapered brain concept.
Wearing down the brain so that the next 'sandpaper' affects you more.
andpapered Brain- reacting to application of sandpaper more than once.
Check in and reset all day.
Red brain friendly staffroom
Mouse/cheese/owl .
Do you activate the sandpaper in your staff . As leader are you an owl or cheese?
Red - Reactive & Green Brain Rational - if you have sandpapered (2 year oldish) brain you get down into the Red Brain.
You need to schedule into your day, resetting again and again. Takes a lot of energy to stay in the green brain. Have a red brain-friendly staffroom - relax into it and sometimes be in the red brain. We can't sustain the green brain the whole time.
Reset really early.
If you feel red brained/sandpapered - don't have the conversation with a parent! Take care of yourself.
Red brain - doing neuroception - Am I safe? Am I safe? Am I safe? As soon as there is a stressor your reaction says - you are going to die - the HPA sends out the adrenaline, heart-rate high, no green brain, red brain (2 year old temper tantrum). When we activate into the stress response - we are keeping ourselves alive!
We deal with kids that stay in the red brain a lot so we need to stay in the green brain as much as possible. It takes a long time to calm down, just because you are given what you want.
Fight/flight response - sight and hearing sharpening, dry mouth, breathing changes, heart beats faster, stomach purges, bowel and bladder may empty, blood increases in arms/legs, temperature changes.
If you get this check in with yourself and reset. That is why at the end of the year, end of the term, you get sick. It is a physiological reaction so you have to reset.
Perfect practice makes perfect.
1. Identify what calms you down- could be many things.
2. Do that until you create a physiological calm state in your body.
3. Condition this moment. - do a touch, look etc to make that the condition cause the state of calm.
4. Practice, practice, practice.
The All Blacks do this - tap their foot, look into the horizon etc.
The vagus nerve
Breathing is the only thing we can do to reset the vagus nerve to pull the whole system into calm.
Be kind to yourself, we are living in a heightened state more than ever.
See me
show me I Belong
Tell me what is Happening
Give me some Control