Monday, September 16, 2019

Dr Tom Mulholland

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tom Mulholland 12/9/2019

Dr Tom - The Attitude Doctor
Cognitive bias is everything you've seen before - what you know about students , parents, community etc.

Attitude - if the attitude you're using isn't working, try a different one

Mudguard syndrome - shiny on the top and shitty underneath
You can take a human to knowledge but you can't make them think

KYND code

Emotional Triggers:
Relationships, Decision making,


Friday, May 10, 2019

Kathryn Berkett The neuro- Science of self care. Putting yourself first .- why we need to

The Neuro- Science of self care. Putting yourself first .- why we need to...
Put yourself first & keep calm .

Putting yourself first - why we need to?

The science behind self-care - teachers are the worst at this.

We are dealing with a higher level of behaviour and needs than in past years. Working with these anxious and hyper-vigilant kids ignites out stress response.

The first thing we need to do is be calm before we can help our students/own children.

Red/Green Brain & the sandpapered brain concept.

Wearing down the brain so that the next 'sandpaper' affects you more.
andpapered Brain- reacting to application of sandpaper more than once.
Check in and reset all day.
Red brain friendly staffroom
Mouse/cheese/owl .
Do you activate the sandpaper in your staff . As leader are you an owl or cheese?

Red - Reactive & Green Brain Rational - if you have sandpapered (2 year oldish) brain you get down into the Red Brain.

You need to schedule into your day, resetting again and again. Takes a lot of energy to stay in the green brain. Have a red brain-friendly staffroom - relax into it and sometimes be in the red brain. We can't sustain the green brain the whole time.

Reset really early.

If you feel red brained/sandpapered - don't have the conversation with a parent! Take care of yourself.

Red brain - doing neuroception - Am I safe? Am I safe? Am I safe? As soon as there is a stressor your reaction says - you are going to die - the HPA sends out the adrenaline, heart-rate high, no green brain, red brain (2 year old temper tantrum). When we activate into the stress response - we are keeping ourselves alive!

We deal with kids that stay in the red brain a lot so we need to stay in the green brain as much as possible. It takes a long time to calm down, just because you are given what you want.

Fight/flight response - sight and hearing sharpening, dry mouth, breathing changes, heart beats faster, stomach purges, bowel and bladder may empty, blood increases in arms/legs, temperature changes.
If you get this check in with yourself and reset. That is why at the end of the year, end of the term, you get sick. It is a physiological reaction so you have to reset.

Perfect practice makes perfect.
1. Identify what calms you down- could be many things.
2. Do that until you create a physiological calm state in your body.
3. Condition this moment. - do a touch, look etc to make that the condition cause the state of calm.
4. Practice, practice, practice.

The All Blacks do this - tap their foot, look into the horizon etc.

The vagus nerve

Breathing is the only thing we can do to reset the vagus nerve to pull the whole system into calm.

Be kind to yourself, we are living in a heightened state more than ever.


See me
show me I Belong
Tell me what is Happening
Give me some Control

Dr Melinda Webber


Keynote: Dr Melinda Webber
Ngaapuhi  & Te Arawa

"Optimising Maaori success and potential"

Ukaipo - a place of belonging

What should success look like?

  • Need to acknowledge the identity
  • maaori students know they are descended from ancestral heroes
  • whakapapa
Stereotype Threat ( Steele, 1997)
Durie,1997, p156

Stereotype threat is the fear

Stop being Maaori or stop being Smart?

Maaori students need access to programmes of learning that affirm and promote Maaori theories, Maaori knowledge, Maaori heroes/role models and Maaori worldview.

To whakamana - maaori students

Different contexts demand different behaviours.
Localised differences

Key research questions
  1. How does Te Arawa define Maaori success?
  2. In what ways fo whaanau, teachers and the wider Te Arawa community foster conditions that enable success to manifest?
  3. How is mana enacted by Te Arawa students? To what effect?
Ask students about someone that inspires them and describe that person in five words?

Embedded achievement- I am a success because I'm Maaori.

Maui - nanakia - cheeky
Need to see the mana in every child.
Quality 2
Successful Maaori students are diligent and have an internal locus of control.

Patience, commitment and a sacrifice of time and effort; an ability to overcome difficulties; resolute confidence often balanced with a quiet, 

Quality 3
Successful Maaori students learn how to nurture strong relationships.

The ability to sustain relationships that are premised on a balance of assertiveness and warmth (manaaki) because this provides sustenance for the inner person.
  • encouraging
  • willing to learn from others
  • wiling to mentor others
  • aware of their 

Quality 4
Successful Maaori students are curious and innovative

An enquiring mind which probes, draws conclusions and makes associations; an exploratory orientation that is exploited in social and academic activities.

Application to school & work
  • courageous
  • competitive
  • curious
Quality 5
Successful Maaori students look after their wellbeing.

Attention to physical, spiritual and mental health needs that are needed to flourish at school, affirming the inexplicable link between wellness and learning.

Quality 6
Successful Maaori students are committed to advancing their own knowledge. They are scholars who know where they want to go and persevere to achieve their goals.

An aptitude for things scholarly and commitment to excellence is evident. An intrinsic desire to learn and an innate curiosity.

Application to school & work
  • can apply themselves
  • driven
  • purposeful
  • aspirational
Coming home and being in-service to their whaanau is important to Maaori students.

Quality 7
Successful Maaori students possess humility

A quality which is often a cultural point difference because it is about service to others, generosity of spirit and putting others before the self

  • puts others before self
  • accept criticism
  • work in service to others
  • team player

Quality 8

Successful Maaori students understand core Maaori values

An ability to model the most meaningful qualities in Maaori culture, portrayed by way of Aroha (love) manaaki (care) and wairua (spirituality)

Application to school & work
Manaakitanga - ability to care and be hospitable to others
Kotahitanga - ability to commit to a kaupapa/vision
Wairuatanga - moral compass and sense of social justice

The Mana Model- Macfarlane, Webber, Cookson-cox, & McRae (2014)

Mana Tangatarua       the skill, knowledge and confidence to          
                                   navigate success in two (or more) worlds
Mana Tuu 
Mana Motuhake
Mana ūkaipō                Belonging and connection to place
Mana Whaanau

New study: Project
Kia tuu rangatira ai ngaa iwi Maaori: living, succeeding, and thriving as Iwi Maaori.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Kathryn Berkett Neuroscience of Resilience

To bounce back we have to go somewhere. emotionally.
Practice with siblings and friends . whereas parents SAVE.
We have become a society . where we protect our children from feeling eg graze in playground.
 Tolerable feelings of anxiety ??? Intolerable-save.
Teachers have more capacity to build resilience.
Not born with the ability to calm down ... we have to learn this
First 1000 days ..
Boo  game hiding face . learn and like it.
This little piggy
Going on a bear hunt..
 Fairy stories.
 Importance of whanau
 Hide and go seek activates a negative emotion then recovers .

 Traumatised chn are like sprinters .
 The more you activate calm the better you get.

 Play without adult supervision to learn this.
 Losing, getting it wrong. feel disappointment and failure that is tolerable.
 This child today needs.... catch them in tolerable zone ---- clues .. what will help them feel safer?
 How to keep the survival Brain
Some .  See me ..

Boys .   Show me I Belong (Class belonging time)
Hate .  Tell me what is Happening
Carrots Give me some Control.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Above and Below the line

Above and BelowA reminder to us all that it is natural to resist and see the negatives .
 One must consciously  choose the positive.
A helpful discussion starter for leadership.

Melbourne Road Trip- Stella Maris Catholic Primary

Stella Maris  Catholic Primary School-  
First impression Principals  office in central open plan circle  close to entrance , library, staffroom .

 Focus on Mentoring and learning Conversations 
  • Team Planning once a fortnight.
  •  One  day Structure 

  1. Focus on data 1 hour analysis
  2. Agenda around the table
  3. Well-being of students  
  4. Paired planning of core areas
  5. Observation time 
  6. Come back together to share 

  • 2 hours per week learning conversations with students or assessment 
  • Because  staff overwhelmed by workload. 
Strategise around a problem
Support for staff to solve and work around the problem.
Everybody is in a coaching pair to ensure support for all
human centred design
3 week cycle of improvement- learning,design intervention-design based thinking

Agile schools

Melbourne Graduate School of Education WPA Road Trip

Acclaimed American Neuroscientist, Professor Melina Uncapher will be streaming in from the University of California San Francisco to present some of the leading research in her field.

Health and Wellbeing Survey

pdf File Principals Survey

Note Recommendations as per  HES

  •  increased Leadership as for 2019
  • high level of collegial support present
  • BOT encourages involvement with professional support networks and PL opportunities
  • Leadership team takes time to debrief each other and others involved if traumatic or similar incident - eg abusive parent/child 
  • New structure gives opportunities for debriefing.
  •  Attempt to keep working hours term time 41-60 hours
  • Steady increase from 2016-2018 in cognitive/emotional  demands
  • Increase in mental health needs of students and whanau