PEST Analysis
A PEST analysis is a business measurement tool. PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, which are used to assess the market for a business or organizational unit.
Political -
Hamilton East School 2021
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Trump will have destroyed the world by then!
National govt is still in!!!
National Standards gone
short sighted leadership of country(ies) will increase divide between privileged and underclass.
Everything is being seen as fitting a business model, including education and health.
Poverty projects may have taken effect
Living wage more prevalent
Bigger education budget - more money for resources
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The trump rebellion will build a social justice view.
Change in community who live in inner city .
Social Justice has to be fought for.
Lack of parenting skills
A lot of learning is online
Virtual schooling
Stationery is a thing of the past
Print it rather than hand it in
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